Alberta and Sidney Siegel
A Memorial Alberta and Sid met when they were graduate students at Stanford University. They married in 1954 and both became renowned academics in psychology -- Sid a Research Professor at the Pennsylvania State University and Alberta a Professor Emeritis at Stanford University. Sid died in 1961 at the age of 45 and Alberta in 2001 at the age of 70. This site is memorial to Alberta and Sid -- their life together and their professional accomplishments. Jay Siegel |
Web Sites
Jay Siegel -- Sid's son Kathrin King-Segal -- Sid's niece a major civil rights demonstration in Yellow Springs on March 14, 1964 led by SNCC and ACRE (Antioch Committee for Racial Equility) Web site to celebrate the May Day staging of a mock overthrough of Antioch College's Community Government by the "Antioch Liberation Front" on May 1, 1964.